
Top 10 Salad Menu Items

April 2024

Although we don’t recommend putting all of these toppings onto one meal, it might be interesting to try a few combinations of these ingredients when ordering your next salad:

  1. All Natural Roasted Chicken: This is the most popular protein source for good reason. 110 calories provides you with 18 grams of protein with only 1 gram of carbs— but the 840 grams of sodium might be concerning if you’re trying to watch your salt intake.
  2. Romaine Lettuce: You can’t have a salad without a good base, and romaine is by far the most popular choice for diners with an interest in nutrition. It’s only 25 calories per serving, and the high fiber content means it only contains 2 grams of net carbs.
  3. Cucumber: After protein and base, it’s time for add-ins. Out of all the options, cucumbers are the most popular. They’re pretty barren as far as nutrients are concerned, but their high water content and wonderful texture makes them a refreshing addition to a variety of salads.
  4. Green Goddess Dressing: Out of all the possible salad dressings, Green Goddess is the most popular. So long as you’re okay with salt, eggs, and milk, this is a delicious and low-calorie flavor booster that works great with a variety of salad bases and proteins.
  5. Roasted Broccoli: The second most popular add-in is roasted broccoli— which pairs excellently with roasted chicken. It has a lot more nutritional value than cucumber, but comes with a slightly higher carb count that can make it tricky to incorporate in a keto diet.
  6. Spring Mix: This base takes second place to romaine, but the net carbs and protein are virtually identical. If you don’t mind the slight increase in sodium, this is a good alternative to the most popular base that cuts out a few more calories from your salad.
  7. Grape Tomatoes: These tiny but flavorful fruits are the third most popular salad add-in and are packed with Vitamin A. They’re also very light on calories and carbs, which means they’re a guilt-free way to add a huge flavor boost to your salad.
  8. Avocado: This legendary superfood is the most popular salad topping— but keep in mind that Honeygrow incorporates some milk into their servings. Still, this is a delicious and filling topping that’s rich in both calories and fiber.
  9. Red Onions: The fourth most popular add-in is red onions, which has a pungent smell and taste that adds a huge kick to any dish. Like grape tomatoes, this is a low-calorie way to add more flavor to a salad, making for a great addition if you’re trying to avoid high-calorie dressings.
  10. Roasted Shrimp: Finally, roasted shrimp is the second most popular protein source for Honeygrow salads according to our users. So long as you’re comfortable eating seafood, this is one of the best ways to get a ton of protein with no carbs and a low calorie count.