
How to Use This Nutritional Calculator

Although this website isn't officially affiliated with the Honeygrow business, it uses the official nutritional data from their menu. Here's how you use the calculator:

First, choose whether you're interested in Honeygrow's salads, stir fry, or Honeybar selections. You can also browse their Featured section for a selection of Honeygrow's currated meals.

The names of each menu item are on the leftmost side of the chart, click whichever items you would like to add to your meal.

Menu items are marked with colored emblems that represent specific nutritional content:

  • M: Contains milk
  • E: Contains eggs
  • W: Contains wheat
  • T: Contains tree nuts
  • S: Contains soy
  • SF: Contains shellfish

If you have specific dietary restrictions, these emblems will help you identify and avoid foods that contain certain ingredients. Aside from that, macronutrient data can be found in the columns to the right of each menu item.

Once you've made a decision, press the grey plus symbol next to your selection and it will appear at the bottom of your browser. This is a running total that will include every menu item you add, which will give you the total nutritional value of your meal.

You can remove anything that you've added by pressing the red X button.

If you create an account on our site, you can save your meal information for future reference. This information is securely stored and will never be shared with outside parties or used for promotional purposes; it's just a convenient feature that's intended to help you plan healthy meals at a great restaurant!


Remember— this website is not officially affiliated with Honeygrow, so you'll have to visit their website to actually place your order or request more information about nutrition. This is just a nutrition calculator!